Where Ideas Become Reality

The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago!

The next best time is today – and the years go by so quickly!

Start the ecosystem now!

The sooner you get started the sooner you can begin harvesting your own foods and medicines, all year round, forever!

Let's be real.

When it comes to food  landscaping, sometimes:

  • People haven’t got time
  • Have no idea where to begin
  • Lack the right tools for the job
  • Are not physically able to do the work

Sometimes, people just feel more comfortable delegating the responsibility to experienced professionals.

That's where we can help!

Our passionate team of Local Permaculture Landscape Designers are here to make your


What does Paradise look like to you?

  • Maybe it’s the pleasure of cooking with ingredients from your own garden
  • Harvesting rare foods you’ve never even heard of let alone tried before
  • The joy of climbing a tree to eat some freshly harvested fruit 
  • Swinging in a hammock without a care in the world
  • The comfort of walking on a squishy layer of healthy mulched soil
  • The sound of birds chirping, kookaburras laughing
  • The peace of resting on soft grass under a canopy of flavourful fruits
  • Surrounded by butterflies and dragonflies, exotic wildlife living in harmony
  • Chickens scratching, laying organic eggs, endless supplies
  • Every colour of flowers, filling the air with fragrant aromas of bubblegum, citrus and perfume.

There’s so much to be enjoyed here and benefit you and future generations!

You don't need a huge space to get started!
You don't need rich soil to start regenerating!

LivingFoodscapes™ offers THE BEST Permaculture Design and Installation possible!

The old systems have enslaved us in dysfunction, pollution and unethical abuse. It’s not normal or beneficial.

Environmental and human health is under threat, systems are failing, extreme events are escalating. 

NOW is the time we need to set things back into alignment and stability. 

All the problems facing us are symptoms of our disconnection from nature and what it means to be HUMAN. 

Permaculture is something each of us can participate in that can directly impact the problems facing us.

The wisest choice now is to create the most comfortable, secure, wealthy and healthy place to live!

Edible Landscaping is one of the best investment of your resources, time, energy and money! 

Not only does Edible Landscaping pay for itself with an immediate increase in land value, but you gain additional yields!

Canistel Fruit are a very unique and delicious fruit and very ornamental evergreen tree!

Multiple Beneficial Yields Include:

  • Product Yield 
    Food, medicine, timber, fuel, fodder, fibre

  • Intrinsic Yield 
    Variety, size, nutrition, mineral profile, flavour, rarity, health benefits, effects

  • Design Yield 
    Aesthetic appeal, energy conservation, energy harvest and direction, harmony between elements, aromatic

  • Social / Health Yield 
    Employment, fresh air, clean food, pure water, resilient supply lines, psychological, physiological well-being

  • Environmental Regeneration Yield 
    Soil creation, genetic richness, sequestering pollution, reforestation, human habitat creation

Perfect Store of Value

Good design GUARANTEES a return.

10x your investment in a few years!

So much propagation potential.

Grow 1,000s of fruits each year!

PLENTY for you,
PLENTY for wildlife,

PLENTY to be composted, given away or sold! 

All of this is extremely important for basic survival, 
and crucial for our free and abundant future!

To get started, just click the button below!



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